Support (Account Tracker for WP)

Thank you for visiting my support page for Account Tracker for Windows Phone. If you have a question that is NOT covered in the Known Issues section, please leave a comment here and I will post a response as soon as possible.

Known Issues – version 1.2

1.2 was released on 2nd August, mainly to workaround a bug in Microsoft’s SkyDrive service that prevented files from being downloaded properly.

A couple of people have left reviews saying you can’t edit transactions. You can, but this can only be done from the account screens, not the all transaction view or the budgets and reports.

A few of you have reported the app crashing from time to time. It seems this is related to editing a transaction, and then adding a new one from the account screen. As a workaround, use the add transaction buttons on the main panorama screen.

A few currency codes are not quite correct, specifically BGL (should be BGN), BYB (BYR), ROL (RON), RUR (RUB) and VEB (VEF). If you have accounts in these currencies, but your default currency is something else, the exchange rate used for the totals, budgets and reports will be 1 (clearly incorrect).

When setting a monthly recurring transaction, you can’t select the 29th, 30th or 31st of the month, only up to the 28th or the last day of the month.

Once entered, there is no way to delete a details field or category. You can edit them to call it something else (from the settings screen), but I should support deleting them if needed.

If you set an overall budget on the main panorama (either spending or income), you can’t change it (or delete it). Any new amount you enter is added to the amount already there, instead of replacing it.

In the cash flow report, transfers should not be counted against incomings and outgoings (currently they are for both).

If you enable two step verification on your SkyDrive account, this won’t work with Account Tracker or most other apps in fact! See the Two-step verification: FAQ for details of how to work around this.

If you find anything (else) not working as expected, please get in touch and I’ll do my best to help.